Location& Date: Italy (Napoli), 2018-2019
Description: Technological enhancement of the Naples Central Railway Node.
Project Components: Final and detailed design in BIM.
Client: Italferr
As part of the Technological Enhancement of the Naples Central Railway Node by the client Italferr, our company was in charge of the executive and detailed design related to civil works. In particular, the following were the subject of the assignment: • The construction of a functional technological building for the ACC equipped with related technological equipment; • The upgrade of technological premises in the "Naples Central Post"; • The upgrades of technological premises in the existing building at Bivio Cassino. Specifically, the newly constructed GDA1 building is located in the area of current loader floor nearby the DTP/NA headquarters. The design of the new building is based on standardized elements in use by the developer, covering both the structural aspect, the architectural, plant engineering and finishing aspects of the building. The building is on two levels. The foundations made on site, consisted of a foundation slab with incorporated plinths. The elevation structure is made by assembling and completing on site prefabricated elements. The floor slabs will be 40 cm thick, the roof slab 30 cm thick and consist of pre-stressed reinforced concrete honeycomb panels and top slab of ordinary reinforced concrete made on site.
The design of the above interventions was implemented and managed through BIM methods, processes and platforms. The entire design process began with the development, in specific platforms, of the multidisciplinary models that make up the work as a whole. It made possible the aggregation of multidisciplinary models, analysis of critical issues and solution of possible problems upstream of the construction phase of the work already in the design phase. In addition, the entire process of sharing models and design documents, but more generally of data, was managed in a structured manner within a Data Sharing Environment, appropriately implemented; The entire calculation phase of the construction parts was performed starting from the reports returned by the modelling software. Equally, all graphic designs were produced automatically from the information model.